Solidarietà e Lavoro develops educational and cultural proposals in an interactive and dynamic way: this offers the possibility of appreciating and loving the historical-cultural heritage always in a fun and captivating way. The idea of ​​teaching projects comes from focusing on learning through narratives and educational experiences, for schools, students and families.

The learning paths are integrated with fun and engagement activities by studying pathways to encourage integration, cohesion and teamwork.


– didactic activities for all orders and degrees

– atelier

– laboratories

– thematic insights

– refresher courses for teachers


Galata Museo del Mare

Castello D’Albertis

Museoteatro Commenda di Prè


Dialogo nel Buio

Museo Navale di Pegli

Musei di Nervi GAM

Musei di Nervi- Wolfsoniana

Casale Monferrato Musei Civico e Gipsoteca Bistolfi

Museo delle Statue Stele Lunigianesi